Monday, October 31, 2011

Lab 4

NOTE: The original image has the graph in color (tones of red), but I had to reduce the image size because it was too big, so it recolored the graph to grayscale and I do not know how to revert it.

My first impression of ArcGIS was half good and half bad. For starters, it takes a fair amount of time to get used to the program on an intuitive level: one has to go through the tutorial some 3 or 4 times to really get familiarized with the commands presented there - and I'm sure there are many other commands not represented in the tutorial!
What I liked about ArcGIS was the fact that it can be used by non-experts to create high quality maps and tables, an extremely useful feature whose extent is not solely geography. For example, similarly to representing the population density on the map in the tutorial, one can create a map with the density of people living below the poverty line for economics. So, in my opinion this is an extremely versatile program with high quality output.
What I disliked about ArcGIS was, as I have already mentioned, the fact that the commands are not very intuitive, but this is also related to the fact that the program can involve high levels of complexity, so a person has to become familiarized with the program to effectively use it.
There are many commands in ArcGIS of which I am not yet aware of, but which undoubtedly can help one achieve desired goals, not only in terms of geography but also with the study of other subjects, which I am looking forward to learning about.

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