Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lab 2

2.       The names of the adjacent quadrangles are: Canoga Park; Van Nuys; Burbank; Topanga; Hollywood; name missing (Pacific Ocean); Venice; Inglewood.
3.       The map was first completed in 1966.
4.       North American Datum 1927 and 1983; National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929.
5.       The scale of the map is 1:24000.
6.       A) 5 cm on map = 5 * 24 000 cm = 120 000 cm = 1200 m = 1.200 km
B) 5 in on map = 5 * 24 000 in = 120 000 in; 120 000 / 12 = 10000 ft; 10 000 / 5280 = 1.894 miles
C) 1 mile on ground = 5280 ft; 5280 * 12 = 63 360 in; 63 360 / 24 000 = 2.64 in on map
D) 3 km on ground = 30 000 cm; 30 000 / 24 000 = 1.25 cm on map
7.       The contour interval on the map is 20 feet.
8.       A) 34o 03’ 54’’ N; 118o 26’ 36’’ W  or  34.065009o N; 118.443o W
B) 34o 00’ 31’’ N; 118o 29’ 52’’ W  or  34.008611o N; 118.497o W
C) 34o 07’ 12’’ N; 118o 24’ 39’’ W  or34.120008o N; 118.411o W
9.       A) 581 ft. ; 177 m
B) 141 ft. ; 43 m
C) 636 ft. ; 194 m
10.   It is the UTM zone 11.
11.   The UTM coordinates for the bottom left corner of the map are 3763000 northing; 361500 easting.
12.   There is 1 km2 in each square, or 1,000,000 m2.
14.   The magnetic declination of the map is 14o.
15.   The water flows South, since the elevation given by the Contour lines is decreasing.


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